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Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus formerly Rana catesbeiana)

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries Lab
METHYLPARATHION 79.5 in loco heart rate Not Reported Tadpole 36 NR Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL Laboratory

Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos)

Bennett, Richard S., Bill A. Williams, Dave W. Schmedding, and Jewel K. Bennett
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific Lab
METHYLPARATHION decreased if treatment initiated during egg laying proportion of hens laying and number of eggs laid per hen compared to controls Female Adult 12 pairs /group Toxicity Factor Datasets 7 mo Laboratory
METHYLPARATHION 2/12 when treatment initiated during early incub.; 2/11 when treatment initiated during late incub. incidence of adult mortality during incubation compared with controls Female Adult 12 pairs/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 7 mo Laboratory
METHYLPARATHION increased when treatment initiated during early or late incub. incidence of nest abandonment compared with controls Female Adult 12 pairs/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 7 mo Laboratory
METHYLPARATHION no effect number of hatchlings per nest, percent hatchability, hatchling survival and body weight to 5 days compared with controls Not Reported Hatchling 12 pairs/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 7 mo Laboratory
METHYLPARATHION decreased when treatment initiated during laying, early or late incub. food consumption compared with controls Female Adult 12 pairs/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 7 mo Laboratory
METHYLPARATHION no effect number of eggs per incubated nest and percent fertility of eggs compared with controls Both Male and Female Adult 12 pairs/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 7 mo Laboratory

American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)

Rattner, Barnett A. and J. Christian Franson
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Lab
METHYLPARATHION increased at 2, 3 mg/kg bw abnormal posture, ataxia, paresis Both Male and Female Adult 5/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
METHYLPARATHION increase at 3 mg/kg bw mortality rate 2 hr post-dose Both Male and Female Adult 5/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
METHYLPARATHION decrease at 2, 3 mg/kg bw cloacal temperature Both Male and Female Adult 5/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
METHYLPARATHION decrease at 2, 3 mg/kg bw plasma cholinesterase activity 2 hr post-dose Both Male and Female Adult 5/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
METHYLPARATHION decrease at 1, 2, 3 mg/kg bw brain acetylcholinesterase activity 10 hr post-dose Both Male and Female Adult 5/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
METHYLPARATHION increased at 2, 3 mg/kg bw plasma glucose concentrations Both Male and Female Adult 5/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory

Western Toad (Anaxyrus boreas formerly Bufo boreas)

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Lab
METHYLPARATHION decrease @ 25 and 50 ppb temperature tolerance, estimated by heating water at 1C/3min and using onset of spasms in frogs as the endpoint Not Reported Juvenile 10 animals/replicate; 2 replicates/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory

Merriam's Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys merriami)

Peterle, T. J. and R. Bentley
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Lab
METHYLPARATHION no effect discrimination between seeds and beads Both Male and Female Adult 22 animals Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
METHYLPARATHION 18-19 % decrease brain cholinesterase activity, compared to control Both Male and Female Adult 2 animals Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
METHYLPARATHION 97.1 mg/kg (95% CI, 42.6-178.6 mg/kg) LD50 Both Male and Female Adult 3-4 animals/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory

Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura)

Fluetsch, Kimberly M. and Donald W. Sparling
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
AZINPHOS-METHYL (GUTHION), DIMETHOATE, ENDOSULFAN, METHYLPARATHION, PARATHION, PERMETHRIN, THIRAM, ZIRAM decreased in conventional orchards daily survival rates Not Reported Nestling 29 conventional nests York Springs, Adams Co. Toxicity Factor Datasets
AZINPHOS-METHYL (GUTHION), DIMETHOATE, ENDOSULFAN, METHYLPARATHION, PARATHION, PERMETHRIN, THIRAM, ZIRAM decreased in conventional orchards hatching success Not Reported Nestling 29 conventional nests York Springs, Adams Co. Toxicity Factor Datasets
AZINPHOS-METHYL (GUTHION), DIMETHOATE, ENDOSULFAN, METHYLPARATHION, PARATHION, PERMETHRIN, THIRAM, ZIRAM no effect numbers of eggs laid or number of fledglings produced Not Reported Both Adults and Juveniles 29 conventional nests York Springs, Adams Co. Toxicity Factor Datasets


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment