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Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos)

Herin, R.A., A.A. Komeil, Doyle G. Graham, A. Curley and M.B. Abou-Donia
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific Lab
LEPTOPHOS decreased @ 260 ppm body weight growth compared with controls Both Male and Female Juvenile 3-5/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 14 d Laboratory
LEPTOPHOS 5/5 @ 260 ppm incidence of ataxia Both Male and Female Juvenile 3-5/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 14 d Laboratory
LEPTOPHOS 4/5 @ 260 ppm incidence of CNS lesions Both Male and Female Juvenile 3-5/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 14 d Laboratory
Hoffman, David J., Louis Sileo and Helen C. Murray
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific Lab
LEPTOPHOS decreased @ 270, 540 ppm body weight compared with controls Female Juvenile 6/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 20 wks Laboratory
LEPTOPHOS increased @ all doses incidence of CNS lesions (demyelination, axonal degeneration in spinal cord) compared with controls Female Juvenile 6/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 20 wks Laboratory
LEPTOPHOS decreased @ 270 ppm brain weight compared with controls Female Juvenile 6/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 20 wks Laboratory
LEPTOPHOS decreased @ all doses activity of brain and plasma cholinesterase, and brain neurotoxic esterase compared with controls Female Juvenile 6/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 20 wks Laboratory
LEPTOPHOS decreased @ 60, 270 ppm plasma alkaline phosphatase activity compared with controls Female Juvenile 6/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 20 wks Laboratory


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment