Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus formerly Rana catesbeiana)
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Age-Specific | Lab |
LEAD NITRATE | no effect | preference/avoidance behavior and spontaneous locomotor activity | Not Reported | Tadpole | 8 animals/dose | Toxicity Factor Datasets | premetamorphic | Laboratory |
Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos)
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Age-Specific | Lab |
LEAD NITRATE | no effect (3 or 8 d) | open field behavior scores versus controls | Not Reported | Juvenile | 26-28/group | Toxicity Factor Datasets | 9 d | Laboratory | |
LEAD NITRATE | decreased @ 5 ppm (8 d exposure) | mean percentage weight gain versus controls | Not Reported | Juvenile | 26-28/group | Toxicity Factor Datasets | 9 d | Laboratory |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Age-Specific | Lab |
LEAD NITRATE | decreased @ 3,000, 30,000 ppm, incubation day 3 exposure | embyronic length and weight by incubation day 18 versus controls | Not Reported | Embryo | 30 eggs/group | Toxicity Factor Datasets | 3 or 8 days of incubation (time of treatment) | Laboratory |
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Age-Specific | Lab |
LEAD NITRATE | decreased @ 25 ppm/3 wks, 5 ppm/12 wks | delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity in blood versus controls | Male | Adult | 20/dose; 5/dose x time group | Toxicity Factor Datasets | 1 yr | Laboratory | |
LEAD NITRATE | increased @ 25 ppm/3wks | accumulation in livers and kidneys versus controls | Male | Adult | 20/dose; 5/dose x time group | Toxicity Factor Datasets | 1 yr | Laboratory | |
LEAD NITRATE | increased @ 5 ppm diet (66 +/-13 ppm blood) and @ 25 ppm diet (154 +/-28 ppm blood) | lead concentration in blood after 12 weeks exposure (mean +/- SE) versus controls | Male | Adult | 20/dose; 5/dose x time group | Toxicity Factor Datasets | 1 yr | Laboratory | |
LEAD NITRATE | no effect | body weight and food consumption versus controls | Male | Adult | 20/group | Toxicity Factor Datasets | 1 yr | Laboratory |