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American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)

Henny, Charles J., Lawrence J. Blus, David J. Hoffman and Robert A. Grove
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
LEAD COMPOUNDS decreased hematocrit Both Male and Female Juvenile 30 Coeur D'Alene River Toxicity Factor Datasets
LEAD COMPOUNDS decreased hemoglobin (relative to control) Both Male and Female Both Adults and Juveniles 33 Coeur D'Alene River Toxicity Factor Datasets
LEAD COMPOUNDS 0.23 ug/g (wet wt) mean lead concentration in liver Both Male and Female Juvenile 30 Coeur D'Alene River Toxicity Factor Datasets
LEAD COMPOUNDS no effect number of young produced Both Male and Female Adult 20 nests Coeur D'Alene River Toxicity Factor Datasets
LEAD COMPOUNDS 0.24 ug/g at study area,
0.087 ug/g at reference area
mean lead concentration in blood (wet wt) Both Male and Female Nestling 30 (study area)
22 (reference)
Coeur D'Alene River Toxicity Factor Datasets
LEAD COMPOUNDS 0.46 ug/g at study area
0.25 ug/g at reference area
mean lead concentration in blood (wet wt) Both Male and Female Adult 3 (study area)
6 (reference)
Coeur D'Alene River Toxicity Factor Datasets
LEAD COMPOUNDS decreased red blood cell delta aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity (relative to control) Both Male and Female Both Adults and Juveniles 33 Coeur D'Alene River Toxicity Factor Datasets
Custer, Thomas W., J.Christian Franson, and Oliver H. Pattee
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific Lab
LEAD COMPOUNDS 1.13 ppm blood at 212 ppm; 1.69 ppm blood at 448 ppm mean lead concentration in blood Both Male and Female Adult 8-14/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 1-2 yr Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS 7.84 ppm femur at 120 ppm; 16.60 ppm femur at 212 ppm; 18.44 ppm femur at 448 ppm mean lead concentration in femur Both Male and Female Adult 8-14/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 1-2 yr Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS no effect packed cell volume, hemoglogin concentration, erythrocyte counts Both Male and Female Adult 8-14/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 1-2 yr Laboratory
Stendell, Rey C., W. Nelson Beyer and Robert A. Stehn
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Lab
DDE (4,4'-), DIELDRIN, LEAD COMPOUNDS 1.05 (0.05 SE) ppm (wet wt) lead concentration in liver Female Juvenile 2 Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
DDE (4,4'-), DIELDRIN, LEAD COMPOUNDS 0.70 (0.20 SE) ppm (wet wt) lead concentration in tibia Female Juvenile 2 Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
DDE (4,4'-), DIELDRIN, LEAD COMPOUNDS 232 (9 SE) ppm (wet wt) DDE concentration in carcass Female Juvenile 2 Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
DDE (4,4'-), DIELDRIN, LEAD COMPOUNDS 10.4 (0.6 SE) ppm (wet wt) DDE concentration in brain Female Juvenile 2 Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
DDE (4,4'-), DIELDRIN, LEAD COMPOUNDS decreased bw (versus pre-study bw) Female Juvenile 2 Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
Stendell, Rey C.
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Lab
LEAD COMPOUNDS 0.357 (0.012 SE) ppm at 29.3 ppm mean lead concentration (wet wt) in liver Female Adult 3/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS 7.63 (1.03 SE) ppm at 29.3 ppm mean lead concentration (wet wt) in bone Female Adult 3/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory

Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos)

Heinz, G.H., D.J. Hoffman, L. Sileo, D.J. Audet, and L.J. LeCaptain
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific Lab
LEAD COMPOUNDS reduced @ 828 ug/g hemoglobin concentrations versus controls Male Adult 10/ Pb treatment; 20/control treatment Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 5 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS reduced @ 869 and 954 ug/g delta aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity versus corn or complete diet controls Male Adult 5/ Pb treatment;3/control treatments Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 7 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS reduced @ all doses delta aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity versus controls Male Adult 10/ Pb treatment; 20/control treatment Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 5 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS increased @ 869 ug/g, corn diet mortality versus corn diet controls Male Adult 5/ Pb treatment;3/control treatments Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 7 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS increased @ 414, 828 ug/g occurrence of intranuclear inclusion bodies in kidneys versus controls Male Adult 10/ Pb treatment; 20/control treatment Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 5 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS increased @ 869 and 954 ug/g incidence of renal tubular intranuclear inclusion bodies versus corn or complete diet controls Male Adult 5/ Pb treatment;3/control treatments Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 7 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS increased @ 828 ug/g occurrence of lead poisoning signs versus controls Male Adult 10/ Pb treatment; 20/control treatment Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 5 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS 4.1(1.03) ppm in blood, 13(1.2) ppm in liver @ 954 ug/g, complete diet; 4.0(0.58) ppm in blood, 38(6.5) ppm in liver @ 869 ug/g, corn diet mean (SE) wet wt Pb concentrations in blood and liver Male Adult 5/ Pb treatment;3/control treatments Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 7 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS increased @ all doses protoporphyrin levels in blood versus controls Male Adult 10/ Pb treatment; 20/control treatment Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 5 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS 4.6(0.66) ppm @ 103 ug/g Pb; 9.3(0.82) ppm @ 207 ug/g Pb; 12(1.3) ppm @ 414 ug/g Pb; 28(4.6) ppm @ 828 ug/g Pb mean(SE) wet wt concentrations of lead in liver Male Adult 10/ Pb treatment; 20/control treatment Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 5 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS no effect body weight versus controls Male Adult 10/ Pb treatment; 5/control treatment Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 5 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS reduced @ 624 and 1284 ug/g delta aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity and hemoglobin concentrations Male Adult 10/ Pb treatment; 5/control treatment Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 5 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS increased @ 642 and 1284 ug/g protoporphyrin versus controls Male Adult 10/ Pb treatment; 5/control treatment Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 5 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS reduced @ 1284 ug/g hematocrit versus controls Male Adult 10/ Pb treatment; 5/control treatment Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 5 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS increased @ 642 and 1284 ug/g occurrence of renal tubular nuclear inclusion bodies versus controls Male Adult 10/ Pb treatment; 5/control treatment Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 5 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS 3.0(0.30) ppm @ 642 ug/g Pb; 6.8(0.84) ppm @ 1284 ug/g Pb mean (SE) wet wt Pb concentrations in blood Male Adult 10/ Pb treatment; 5/control treatment Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 5 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS 9.1(0.61) ppm @ 642 ug/g Pb; 16(1.5) ppm @ 1284 ug/g Pb mean (SE) wet wt Pb concentrations in liver Male Adult 10/ Pb treatment; 5/control treatment Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 5 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS reduced @ 869 ug/g, corn diet body weight compared to corn diet controls Male Adult 5/ Pb treatment;3/control treatments Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 7 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS reduced @ 869 ug/g, corn diet hemoglobin concentration versus corn diet controls Male Adult 5/ Pb treatment;3/control treatments Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 7 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS no effect body weight versus controls Male Adult 10/ Pb treatment; 20/control treatment Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 5 mo Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS increased @ 869 and 954 ug/g protoporphyrin versus corn or complete diet controls Male Adult 5/ Pb treatment;3/control treatments Toxicity Factor Datasets approx. 7 mo Laboratory
Beyer, W. Nelson, Daniel J. Audet, Anna Morton, Julie K. Campbell and Leonard LeCaptain
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
LEAD COMPOUNDS Equation: fecal Pb conc./fecal acid insoluble ash content = 61 + (1.06 x sediment Pb conc.) relation between waterfowl fecal lead concentration (dry wt) and sediment lead concentration (dry wt) Not Reported Not Reported 521 fecal analyses at 11 wetlands (at least 20 per wetland) Coeur d'Alene and St. Joe River Basins Toxicity Factor Datasets
Haegele, Max A., Richard K. Tucker and R.H. Hudson
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Lab
DDE (4,4'-), LEAD COMPOUNDS, MERCURY COMPOUNDS decreased @ 40 ppm DDE eggshell thickness versus controls Female Adult 10/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
DDE (4,4'-), LEAD COMPOUNDS, MERCURY COMPOUNDS decreased with both treatments eggshell thickness versus controls Female Adult 10/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
LEAD COMPOUNDS 3.7 (carcass); 2.5 (egg); 2.5 (eggshells); 9.6 (bone) ppm, wet wt @ 100 ppm lead;
3.4 (carcass); 0.88 (egg); 2.8 (eggshells); 35.0 (bone) ppm, wet wt @ 100 ppm lead + DDE
lead residues in whole carcass, egg contents, eggshells, and bone Female Adult 10/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
Guitart, R., J. To-Figueras, R. Mateo, A. Bertolero, S. Cerradelo and A. Martinez-Vilalta
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
LEAD COMPOUNDS 0.822 (0.059-21.60) ppm wet wt geometric mean liver concentration (range) Not Reported Not Reported 39 birds Ebro Delta Natural Park Toxicity Factor Datasets ITALY
LEAD COMPOUNDS 1.367 (<0.05-29.80) geometric mean concentration in kidneys (range) Not Reported Not Reported 39 birds Ebro Delta Natural Park Toxicity Factor Datasets ITALY
LEAD COMPOUNDS humerus, 41.652 (8.20-211.6); spleen, 0.669 (0.128-2.397); pancreas, 3.295 (1.074-13.47); brain, 1.367 (0.120-117.1) geometric mean concentrations (ranges) in humerus, spleen, pancreas, and brain Not Reported Not Reported 6-10 birds/tissue type Ebro Delta Natural Park Toxicity Factor Datasets ITALY

Deer Mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus)

Mierau, Gary W. and Blaise E. Favara
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
LEAD COMPOUNDS Bone; 52.10 +/- 33.81SD, Kidney; 8.46 +/- 3.03SE, Liver; 3.29 +/- 1.77SD, Brain; 0.84 +/- 0.25SE, Feces; 153.6+/- 103.5SD ppm (dry weight) Mean concentrations in deer mice from roadside site (ppm, dry weight). Feces collected from nest box after 1 yr accumulation. Roadside tissue concentrations significantly different from control site. Both Male and Female Adult 9 - 10 animals Interstate 25, Denver (elev. 1884-2018 m) Toxicity Factor Datasets
LEAD COMPOUNDS no effect number of litters per 100 breeding females, measured by observing litters in nesting boxes at a control and roadside site Female Adult 50 nesting boxes, 66 observation periods nimals Interstate 25, Denver (elev. 1884-2018 m) Toxicity Factor Datasets
LEAD COMPOUNDS significant increase mortality during winter, estimated by number of mice recaptured the following breeding season at a control and roadside site Both Male and Female Adult 98 - 180 tagged animals Interstate 25, Denver (elev. 1884-2018 m) Toxicity Factor Datasets
Clark, Jr., Donald R., Kevin S. Foerster, Carolyn M. Marn and Roger L. Hothem
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
CADMIUM COMPOUNDS, LEAD COMPOUNDS, MERCURY COMPOUNDS, POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS, SELENIUM COMPOUNDS no effect incidence of liver and kidney histopathologies was not related to contaminant concentrations Not Reported Not Reported 26 animals salt marsh, San Pablo and San Francisco Bays Toxicity Factor Datasets
Pascoe, G.A., R.J. Blanchet and G. Linder
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
ARSENIC COMPOUNDS, CADMIUM COMPOUNDS, COPPER COMPOUNDS, LEAD COMPOUNDS, ZINC COMPOUNDS Arsenic, <0.02; Cadmium, 0.08; Copper, 3.4; Lead, <0.003; Zinc, 29.5 ug/g mean carcass concentration (ug/g wet wt.); mean deer mice body weight = 36.0 +/- 8.3SD, n=8 Not Reported Not Reported 8 animals Milltown Reservoir, Missoula Toxicity Factor Datasets

California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus)

Van Heekeren, A. and Edwin J. Skoch
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific Lab
CADMIUM COMPOUNDS, CHROMIUM COMPOUNDS, COPPER COMPOUNDS, LEAD COMPOUNDS, SELENIUM COMPOUNDS, ZINC COMPOUNDS increase incidence of epileptiform seizures and subsequent death associated with "unusual" Se levels Female Adult 1 Toxicity Factor Datasets 18 yr Laboratory


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment