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Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos)

Hoffman, David J. and Louis Sileo
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific Lab
EPN decreased @ 12, 36 ug/g brain weight, protein content, acetylcholinesterase and neurotoxic esterase versus controls Not Reported Hatchling 12/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 72 hr of incubation (time of treatment) Laboratory
EPN decreased @ 12 ug/g (82%); 36 ug/g (77%); 108 ug/g (70%) percent survival versus controls Not Reported Embryo 10/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 72 hr of incubation (time of treatment) Laboratory
EPN decreased @ 12, 36, 108 ug/g brain weight, acetylcholinesterase activity, neurotoxic esterase activity versus controls Not Reported Embryo 10/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 72 hr of incubation (time of treatment) Laboratory
EPN decreased @ 108 ug/g brain protein content versus controls Not Reported Embryo 10/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 72 hr of incubation (time of treatment) Laboratory
EPN decreased @ 36 (cholineserase only), 108 ug/g plasma alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, cholinesterase activities, and uric acid Not Reported Embryo 12/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 72 hr of incubation (time of treatment) Laboratory
EPN decreased @ 12, 36, 108 ug/g embryo weight and length, % normal survivors versus controls Not Reported Embryo 12/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 72 hr of incubation (time of treatment) Laboratory
EPN decreased @ 12 ug/g (48%), 36 ug/g (29%), 108 ug/g (0%) % surviving to hatch versus controls Not Reported Hatchling 12/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 72 hr of incubation (time of treatment) Laboratory
EPN decreased @ 12, 36 ug/g plasma cholinesterase activity, hemoglobin and uric acid content Not Reported Hatchling 12/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 72 hr of incubation (time of treatment) Laboratory
Hoffman, David J., Louis Sileo and Helen C. Murray
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific Lab
EPN decreased @ 90, 270 ppm food consumption and body weight compared with controls Female Juvenile 6/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 20 wks Laboratory
EPN increased @ all doses incidence of hyperactivity, ataxia, and/or paralysis compared with controls Female Juvenile 6/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 20 wks Laboratory
EPN increased @ 30, 90, 270 ppm incidence of CNS lesions (demyelination, axonal degeneration in spinal cord) compared with controls Female Juvenile 6/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 20 wks Laboratory
EPN decreased @ all doses activity of brain and plasma cholinesterase, and brain neurotoxic esterase compared with controls Female Juvenile 6/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 20 wks Laboratory
EPN decreased @ 90, 270 pmm plasma alkaline phosphatase activity compared with controls Female Juvenile 6/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 20 wks Laboratory

American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)

Wiemeyer, Stanley N. and Donald W. Sparling
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Lab
EPN 4.0 mg/kg bw (3.1-5.1 95% CI) LD50 Both Male and Female Adult 5/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory
EPN 68% (10.0 SD) mean brain cholinesterase depression (relative to control) in birds that died in 8 hrs post-dose Both Male and Female Adult 12 Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment