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Amphibians, Frogs and toads (Anura), Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog (Rana boylii)

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries
ENDOSULFAN No effect Time to metamorphosis B Tadpole 18/treatment Eggs from Soda Creek Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
ENDOSULFAN Decreased Cholinesterase activity B Tadpole 18/treatment Eggs from Soda Creek Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
ENDOSULFAN Decreased Snout-vent length B Tadpole 18/treatment Eggs from Soda Creek Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
ENDOSULFAN Logistic: 0.233 ug/L; SK: 0.55 ug/L LC50 B Tadpole 18/treatment Eggs from Soda Creek Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
ENDOSULFAN Decreased Body mass B Tadpole 18/treatment Eggs from Soda Creek Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries Lab
ENDOSULFAN I: 0.11, II: 0.19 µg/g ww Feather concentration NR Both Adults and Juveniles 45 Rio Negro Province; rural site: Bariloche; ag site: Valle Toxicity Factor Datasets ARGENTINA
ENDOSULFAN 8.2 ± 22.25 ng/g ww Ʃendosulphan liver concentration NR Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL
ENDOSULFAN Not detected Plasma concentration of endosulfan I B Juvenile 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN Not detected Plasma concentration of endosulfan II B Juvenile 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN 1,147 [623-2,726 (84% CI)] LC90 NR Tadpole 120 University of Pittsburgh Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
ENDOSULFAN 7 LOEC NR Tadpole 120 University of Pittsburgh Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
ENDOSULFAN 172 [117-283 (84% CI)] ppb LC90 NR Embryo 10 Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, Pittsburgh, PA Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
ENDOSULFAN 7 ppb LOEC NR Embryo 10 Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, Pittsburgh, PA Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
ENDOSULFAN 1.7 [1.1-2.4 (84% CI)] ppb LC10 NR Embryo 10 Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, Pittsburgh, PA Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
ENDOSULFAN 13.9 [11.1-17.5 (84% CI)] ppb LC50 NR Embryo 10 Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, Pittsburgh, PA Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
ENDOSULFAN 114 [79.0-187 (84% CI)] ppb LC90 NR Embryo 10 Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, Pittsburgh, PA Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
ENDOSULFAN 7 LOEC NR Embryo 10 Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, Pittsburgh, PA Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
ENDOSULFAN 21.4 [17.0-27.0 (84%CI)] ppb LC50 NR Embryo 10 Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, Pittsburgh, PA Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
ENDOSULFAN 2.7 [1.7-3.7 (84% CI)] ppb LC10 NR Embryo 10 Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, Pittsburgh, PA Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
ENDOSULFAN 7 LOEC NR Tadpole 120 University of Pittsburgh Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
ENDOSULFAN 2.8 ±11.75 ng/g ww Endosuphan sulphate liver concentration NR Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL
ENDOSULFAN 0.10 µg/g lw Blubber concentration B Not Reported 18 Todos Santos Bay, Ensenada, Baja California Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN 10.6 ng/g lw Blood concentration B Pup 5 3 sites in eastern AK Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
ENDOSULFAN 0.0 ng/g lw Blood concentration B Juvenile 6 3 sites in eastern AK Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
ENDOSULFAN 7.2 ng/g lw Blood concentration F Adult 18 3 sites in eastern AK Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
ENDOSULFAN 15.5 ng/g lw Blood concentration M Adult 11 3 sites in eastern AK Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
ENDOSULFAN Not detected Plasma concentration of endosulfan sulfate B Juvenile 19 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN 0.005-1.22 ng/mL Plasma concentration of endosulfan I B Juvenile 13 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN 0.005-7.54 ng/mL Plasma concentration of endosulfan II B Juvenile 13 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN 0.005-12.99 ng/mL Plasma concentration of endosulfan sulfate B Juvenile 12 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN No effect Hatching success NR Embryo 375 South Okanagan Valley, British Columbia Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA Laboratory
ENDOSULFAN 5.2 ± 19.52 ng/g ww α isomer fat concentration NR Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL
ENDOSULFAN 5.0 [2.9-7.6 (84% CI)] LC10 NR Tadpole 120 University of Pittsburgh Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
ENDOSULFAN Max: 38.6 ng/g ww β isomer fat concentration NR Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL
ENDOSULFAN 76.1 [56.3-109 (84% CI)] LC50 NR Tadpole 120 University of Pittsburgh Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
ENDOSULFAN 3.4 ± 9.81 ng/g ww Endosuphan sulfate fat concentration NR Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL
ENDOSULFAN 4.9 [3.1-7.0 (84% CI)] LC10 NR Tadpole 120 University of Pittsburgh Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
ENDOSULFAN 8.1 ± 26.15 ng/g ww Ʃendosulphan fat concentration NR Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL
ENDOSULFAN 46.8 [36.5-61.5 (84% CI)] LC50 NR Tadpole 120 University of Pittsburgh Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
ENDOSULFAN 6.7 ± 16.37 ng/g ww α isomer liver concentration NR Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL
ENDOSULFAN 446 [282-832 (84% CI)] LC90 NR Tadpole 120 University of Pittsburgh Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
ENDOSULFAN 1.7 ± 3.92 ng/g ww β isomer liver concentration NR Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL

Pacific Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas)

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
ENDOSULFAN Not detected Plasma concentration of endosulfan I Both Male and Female Juvenile 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN Not detected Plasma concentration of endosulfan II Both Male and Female Juvenile 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN Not detected Plasma concentration of endosulfan sulfate Both Male and Female Juvenile 19 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN 0.005-1.22 ng/mL Plasma concentration of endosulfan I Both Male and Female Juvenile 13 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN 0.005-7.54 ng/mL Plasma concentration of endosulfan II Both Male and Female Juvenile 13 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN 0.005-12.99 ng/mL Plasma concentration of endosulfan sulfate Both Male and Female Juvenile 12 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
ENDOSULFAN 5.2 ± 19.52 ng/g ww ? isomer fat concentration Not Reported Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL
ENDOSULFAN Max: 38.6 ng/g ww ? isomer fat concentration Not Reported Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL
ENDOSULFAN 3.4 ± 9.81 ng/g ww Endosuphan sulfate fat concentration Not Reported Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL
ENDOSULFAN 8.1 ± 26.15 ng/g ww ?endosulphan fat concentration Not Reported Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL
ENDOSULFAN 6.7 ± 16.37 ng/g ww ? isomer liver concentration Not Reported Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL
ENDOSULFAN 1.7 ± 3.92 ng/g ww ? isomer liver concentration Not Reported Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL
ENDOSULFAN 2.8 ±11.75 ng/g ww Endosuphan sulphate liver concentration Not Reported Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL
ENDOSULFAN 8.2 ± 22.25 ng/g ww ?endosulphan liver concentration Not Reported Juvenile 64 SE coast Toxicity Factor Datasets BRAZIL

Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus formerly Rana catesbeiana)

Mulla, M.S.
Chemical Endpoint Value Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
ENDOSULFAN increase at 0.1 and 0.5 lbs/acre Not Reported Tadpole 10 animals/dose ponds, southern San Joaquin Valley Toxicity Factor Datasets

Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura)

Fluetsch, Kimberly M. and Donald W. Sparling
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
AZINPHOS-METHYL (GUTHION), DIMETHOATE, ENDOSULFAN, METHYLPARATHION, PARATHION, PERMETHRIN, THIRAM, ZIRAM decreased in conventional orchards daily survival rates Not Reported Nestling 29 conventional nests York Springs, Adams Co. Toxicity Factor Datasets
AZINPHOS-METHYL (GUTHION), DIMETHOATE, ENDOSULFAN, METHYLPARATHION, PARATHION, PERMETHRIN, THIRAM, ZIRAM decreased in conventional orchards hatching success Not Reported Nestling 29 conventional nests York Springs, Adams Co. Toxicity Factor Datasets
AZINPHOS-METHYL (GUTHION), DIMETHOATE, ENDOSULFAN, METHYLPARATHION, PARATHION, PERMETHRIN, THIRAM, ZIRAM no effect numbers of eggs laid or number of fledglings produced Not Reported Both Adults and Juveniles 29 conventional nests York Springs, Adams Co. Toxicity Factor Datasets

Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos)

Hudson, R.H., R.K. Tucker and M.A. Haegele
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific Lab
ENDOSULFAN 27.8 mg/kg LD50 Both Male and Female Juvenile 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets 36 hours Laboratory
ENDOSULFAN 6.47 mg/kg LD50 Both Male and Female Juvenile 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets 7 days Laboratory
ENDOSULFAN 7.89 mg/kg LD50 Both Male and Female Juvenile 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets 30 days Laboratory
ENDOSULFAN 34.4 mg/kg LD50 Both Male and Female Juvenile 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets 6 mos Laboratory


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment