Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | California Counties | Countries | Lab |
DIPHACINONE | 0.333 | % metabolism by liver microsome | M | Not Reported | 14 | Castroville, CA | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Monterey | USA | |
DIPHACINONE | 9 d | Mean days to death | B | Not Reported | 127 | University of California Davis, Vertebrate Ecology Lab | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Yolo | USA | |
DIPHACINONE | See citation Figure 1 | Blood prothrombin time | B | Not Reported | 60 | University of California Davis, Vertebrate Ecology Lab | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Yolo | USA | |
DIPHACINONE | See citation Figure 2 | Blood partial thromboplastin time | B | Not Reported | 60 | University of California Davis, Vertebrate Ecology Lab | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Yolo | USA | |
DIPHACINONE | See citation Figure 3 | Protein induced by vitamin K absence or antagonists (blood) | B | Not Reported | 60 | University of California Davis, Vertebrate Ecology Lab | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Yolo | USA | |
DIPHACINONE | 0.651 | % metabolism by liver microsome | F | Not Reported | 11 | Castroville, CA | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Monterey | USA | Laboratory |
DIPHACINONE | See citation Table 1 | Necroscopic/histological observations | B | Adult | 23 | Patuxent Wildlife Research Center |
Toxicity Factor Datasets | Lab | Laboratory | |
DIPHACINONE | No effect | Body weight change | B | Adult | 23 | Patuxent Wildlife Research Center |
Toxicity Factor Datasets | Lab | Laboratory | |
DIPHACINONE | No effect | Liver:body weight | B | Adult | 23 | Patuxent Wildlife Research Center |
Toxicity Factor Datasets | Lab | Laboratory | |
DIPHACINONE | Increased | Prothrombin time | B | Adult | 23 | Patuxent Wildlife Research Center |
Toxicity Factor Datasets | Lab | Laboratory | |
DIPHACINONE | Increased | Russell's viper venom activation time | B | Adult | 23 | Patuxent Wildlife Research Center |
Toxicity Factor Datasets | Lab | Laboratory | |
DIPHACINONE | Broadcast: 84.4, spot: 87.1% | % reduction in population index | B | Not Reported | See citation | Bakersfield and King City | Toxicity Factor Datasets | USA | ||
DIPHACINONE | Broadcast: 82.1, spot: 90.2% | % reduction in population index | B | Not Reported | See citation | Bakersfield and King City | Toxicity Factor Datasets | USA | ||
DIPHACINONE | 0.66 | % mortality | B | Not Reported | 127 | University of California Davis, Vertebrate Ecology Lab | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Yolo | USA |
Deer Mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus)
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Lab |
DIPHACINONE | increase at 0.0025% | Both Male and Female | Not Reported | 10 animals/dose | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Laboratory | |
DIPHACINONE | increase @ 0.00125- 0.02% | Both Male and Female | Not Reported | 10 animals/dose | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Laboratory |
Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Lab |
DIPHACINONE | 4.1-5.5 mg | doses resulting in symptoms and death in 2/3 birds within 14 days | Not Reported | Adult | 3 owls | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Laboratory | |
DIPHACINONE | increased | time to coagulation in blood sampled 3 days after treatment ended | Not Reported | Adult | 3 owls | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Laboratory |
Coyote (Canis latrans)
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Lab |
DIPHACINONE | 0.6 [0.3 - 1.2 (95% CL)] mg/kg | LD50 | Both Male and Female | Adult | 2/dose | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Laboratory |