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Birds, Terrestrial birds, Passeriformes, American Robin (Turdus migratorius)

Rondeau, G. and Desgranges, J.L.
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
DIAZINON Control: 2708; treated: 1403 u/L Blood serum cholinesterase activity NR Adult Control: 16; treated: 21 Sherbrooke, Quebec Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
DIAZINON Control: 1712; treated: 582 u/L Blood serum cholinesterase activity NR Juvenile Control: 9; treated: 13 Sherbrooke, Quebec Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
DIAZINON Control: 28.9; treated: 26.3 u/L Brain serum cholinesterase activity NR Adult Control: 3; treated: 6 Sherbrooke, Quebec Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
DIAZINON Treated: 7.5 Brain serum cholinesterase activity NR Juvenile Treated: 2 Sherbrooke, Quebec Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
DIAZINON 31% B Embryo 24 nests Sherbrooke, Quebec Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
DIAZINON Decreased Mean eggs laid B Embryo See citation Sherbrooke, Quebec Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
Décarie, R., DesGranges, J.L., Lépine, C. and Morneau, F.
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
DIAZINON Treated: 28.7; control: 27.6 U/g Brain cholinesterase activity F Adult Treated: 5; control: 6 Laval, Quebec Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
DIAZINON Treated: 2.3; control: 3.1 Mean productivity total nests Treated: 11; control: 57 Laval, Quebec Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
DIAZINON Treated: NR (first clutch) and 2.0 (second); control: 3.2 (first) and 2.6 (second) Mean productivity by clutch order Treated: NR (first clutch) and 8 (second); control: 46 (first) and 11 (second) Laval, Quebec Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
DIAZINON Treated: 11; control: 13.1 Number feeding flights B Adult 56 Laval, Quebec Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
DIAZINON Treated: 4.3; control: 5.7 Number of feeding flights F Adult 56 Laval, Quebec Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
DIAZINON Treated: 60.3; control: 38.4 Total minutes sitting on nestlings NR Adult 56 Laval, Quebec Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
DIAZINON Treated: 993; control: 585 U/L Plasma cholinesterase activity F Adult Treated: 6; control: 6 Laval, Quebec Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA

Amphibians, Frogs and toads (Anura), Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog (Rana boylii)

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries
DIAZINON 7.488 mg/L Mortality B Tadpole See Table 1 Eggs from stream near Fort Bragg Toxicity Factor Datasets Mendocino USA
DIAZINON See Figure 1 Cholinesterase activity B Tadpole See Table 1 Eggs from stream near Fort Bragg Toxicity Factor Datasets Mendocino USA

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries Lab
DIAZINON 3.37 ng/g ww ± 6.5 Egg concentration Embryo 8 Colorado River Delta Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO Laboratory

Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura)

Brehmer, Paul M. and Raymond K. Anderson
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
ACEPHATE, CARBARYL, DIAZINON no effect percent nest success, eggs hatched, and nestlings fledged Both Male and Female Both Adults and Juveniles 37 nests Winnebago, Outagamie, Calumet Counties Toxicity Factor Datasets
ACEPHATE, CARBARYL, DIAZINON no effect brain cholinesterase activity Both Male and Female Nestling 37 nests Winnebago, Outagamie, Calumet Counties Toxicity Factor Datasets

Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos)

Stansley, William
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Condition
DIAZINON decreased (84%) percent inhibition of post-mortem brain cholinesterase activity compared to control Not Reported Juvenile 5 ducks Toxicity Factor Datasets dead
Hoffman, David J. and William C. Eastin, Jr.
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific Lab
DIAZINON 74 (day 3), 79 (day 8) lb/acre LC50 LC50, exposed on day 3 or 8 of incubation Not Reported Embryo 30/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Day 3 or 8 of incubation Laboratory
DIAZINON decreased @ 2.0 lb/acre crown-rump length at day 18 of incubation compared with controls Not Reported Embryo 30/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Day 8 of incubation Laboratory
DIAZINON 9.7 (day 3), 11.1 (day 8) lb/acre LC50, exposed on day 3 or 8 of incubation Not Reported Embryo 30/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Day 3 or 8 of incubation Laboratory
DIAZINON decreased @ 15 (aqueous), 2.0 (oil) lb/acre embryo weight by day 18 of incubation compared with controls Not Reported Embryo 30/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Day 3 or 8 of incubation Laboratory
DIAZINON, MALATHION, PARATHION decreased @ all doses brain or plasma cholinesterase activity in embryos or hatchlings compared to controls Not Reported Embryo, Hatchling 12/group Toxicity Factor Datasets Day 3 of incubation Laboratory

Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia)

Rondeau, Guy and Jean-Luc DesGranges
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
DIAZINON 27% (43% SD) % reduction of blood serum cholinesterase compared to untreated Not Reported Not Reported 20-29 sparrows Christmas tree farms; Sherbrooke, Quebec Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
DIAZINON 38% mortality of eggs and nestlings (control 21 %) Not Reported Embryo, Nestling 9 nests Sherbrooke, Quebec Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment