DDT (2,4'-)

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Mammals, Bats (Chiroptera), Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus)

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Location Type
DDT (2,4'-) 470 ppm Est. min. lethal carcass lipid concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles Toxicity Factor Datasets
DDT (2,4'-) 12 ppm Min. lethal brain concentration B Both Adults and Juveniles Toxicity Factor Datasets

Birds, Terrestrial birds, Passeriformes, American Robin (Turdus migratorius)

Iwaniuk, A.N., Koperski, D.T., Cheng, K.M., Elliott, J.E., Smith, L.K., Wilson, L.K. and Wylie, D.R.
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
DDT (2,4'-) 0.069 ug/g ww Egg concentration B Embryo 18 Okanagan Valley Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA

Fish, Estuarine and saltwater fish (Gobiiformes), Longjaw mudsucker (Gillichthys mirabilis)

Forrester, G.E., Fredericks, B.I., Gerdeman, D., Evans, B., Steele, M.A., Zayed, K., Schweitzer, L.E., Suffet, I.H., Vance, R.R. and Ambrose, R.F.
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sample Size Location Type
DDT (2,4'-) Transplanted to Alamitos from Alamitos: 53; Ballona: 29; Mugu: 191 ng/g Tissue concentration NR Three southern CA estuaries Toxicity Factor Datasets
DDT (2,4'-) Transplanted to Ballona from Alamitos: 21; Ballona: 125; Mugu: 46 ng/g Tissue concentration NR Three southern CA estuaries Toxicity Factor Datasets
DDT (2,4'-) Transplanted to Mugu from Alamitos: <DL; Ballona: 975; Mugu: <DL ng/g Tissue concentration NR Three southern CA estuaries Toxicity Factor Datasets

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
DDT (2,4'-) Not detected Plasma concentration B Juvenile 20 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
DDT (2,4'-) 0.23 µg/g Egg concentration NR Embryo 5 Green Bay Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
DDT (2,4'-) 0.336 mm; See citation Figure 2 for all sites Eggshell thickness Embryo 93 NJ, PA, DE, MD, VA Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
DDT (2,4'-) 0.010 mg/kg Egg concentration Embryo 60 NJ, PA, DE, MD, VA Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
DDT (2,4'-) 0.47 ppm ww Egg concentration Embryo 6 Blackfoot Reservoir Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
DDT (2,4'-) 0.46 ppm ww Egg concentration Embryo 6 Minidoka National Wildlife Refuge Toxicity Factor Datasets USA

Pacific Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas)

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
DDT (2,4'-) Not detected Plasma concentration Both Male and Female Juvenile 20 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO

Snowy Egret (Egretta thula)

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
DDT (2,4'-) 0.47 ppm ww Egg concentration Embryo 6 Blackfoot Reservoir Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
DDT (2,4'-) 0.46 ppm ww Egg concentration Embryo 6 Minidoka National Wildlife Refuge Toxicity Factor Datasets USA


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment