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Amphibians, Frogs and toads (Anura), Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog (Rana boylii)

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries
CHLORPYRIFOS Increased Time to metamorphosis B Tadpole 18/treatment Eggs from Soda Creek Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
CHLORPYRIFOS Decreased Cholinesterase activity B Tadpole 18/treatment Eggs from Soda Creek Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
CHLORPYRIFOS Logistic: 108.7 ug/L; SK: 66.5 ug/L LC50 B Tadpole 18/treatment Eggs from Soda Creek Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
CHLORPYRIFOS No effect 0-14 d; various by 54 d; see size by exposure in Table 2 Body mass B Tadpole 18/treatment Eggs from Soda Creek Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
CHLORPYRIFOS No effect 0-14 d; decrease by 34 d; see size by exposure in Table 2 Snout-vent length B Tadpole 18/treatment Eggs from Soda Creek Toxicity Factor Datasets Lake USA
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries
CHLORPYRIFOS 3.005 mg/L Mortality B Tadpole See Table 1 Eggs from stream near Fort Bragg Toxicity Factor Datasets Mendocino USA
CHLORPYRIFOS See Figure 1 Cholinesterase activity B Tadpole See Table 1 Eggs from stream near Fort Bragg Toxicity Factor Datasets Mendocino USA

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries Lab
CHLORPYRIFOS Alaska: NR, California: 53.6 ng/g lw Blood concentration B Pup Alaska: 3, California: 5 Alaksa: 3 sites in eastern AK, California: 3 sites between Santa Cruz and Monterey Toxicity Factor Datasets
CHLORPYRIFOS Decreased Survival NR Juvenile 60 University of Pittsburgh Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA
CHLORPYRIFOS Decreased Survival NR Tadpole 60 University of Pittsburgh Toxicity Factor Datasets Lab USA Laboratory
CHLORPYRIFOS Alaska: NR, California: 39.2 ng/g lw Blood concentration B Juvenile Alaska: 14, California: 6 Alaksa: 3 sites in eastern AK, California: 3 sites between Santa Cruz and Monterey Toxicity Factor Datasets
CHLORPYRIFOS Alaska: NR, California: 43.8 ng/g lw Blood concentration F Adult Alaska: 38, California: 18 Alaksa: 3 sites in eastern AK, California: 3 sites between Santa Cruz and Monterey Toxicity Factor Datasets
CHLORPYRIFOS Alaska: NR, California: 26.7 ng/g lw Blood concentration M Adult Alaska: 16, California: 11 Alaksa: 3 sites in eastern AK, California: 3 sites between Santa Cruz and Monterey Toxicity Factor Datasets

Mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos)

Hudson, R.H., R.K. Tucker and M.A. Haegele
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific Lab
CHLORPYRIFOS 50.4 mg/kg LD50 Both Male and Female Juvenile 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets 30 days Laboratory
CHLORPYRIFOS 83.3 mg/kg LD50 Both Male and Female Juvenile 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets 6 mos Laboratory
CHLORPYRIFOS 145 mg/kg LD50 Both Male and Female Juvenile 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets 36 hours Laboratory
CHLORPYRIFOS 29.4 mg/kg LD50 Both Male and Female Juvenile 5 Toxicity Factor Datasets 7 days Laboratory
Gile, Jay D. and S. Mark Meyers
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific Lab
CHLORPYRIFOS decreased body weight compared to controls Both Male and Female Adult 24 pairs/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets 7 and 11 months old Laboratory
CHLORPYRIFOS decreased brain acetylcholinesterase activity compared to controls Both Male and Female Adult 24 pairs/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets 7 and 11 months old Laboratory
CHLORPYRIFOS decreased number of eggs produced, egg weight, eggshell thickness compared to controls Both Male and Female Adult 24 pairs/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets 7 and 11 months old Laboratory
CHLORPYRIFOS no effect fertility and hatchability of eggs, and duckling survival to 14 days Not Reported Juvenile 24 pairs/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets 7 and 11 months old Laboratory
Kenaga, E.E., R.J. Fink and J.B. Beavers
American Society for Testing and Materials
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Age-Specific Lab
CHLORPYRIFOS 357 ppm 11 day dietary LC50 Not Reported Juvenile 10/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 14 d Laboratory
CHLORPYRIFOS 236 ppm 11 day dietary LC10 Not Reported Juvenile 10/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 14 d Laboratory
CHLORPYRIFOS decreased @ all doses food consumption compared with controls Not Reported Juvenile 10/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 14 d Laboratory
CHLORPYRIFOS decreased @ all doses body weight compared with controls Not Reported Juvenile 10/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 14 d Laboratory
CHLORPYRIFOS 644 ppm (declining to 141 ppm over 11 d) 5 day dietary LC50, when 5 day residue half life was simulated Not Reported Juvenile 10/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 14 d Laboratory
CHLORPYRIFOS decreased @ all doses food consumption compared with controls Not Reported Juvenile 10/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 14 d Laboratory
CHLORPYRIFOS decreased @ all doses body weight compared with controls Not Reported Juvenile 10/group Toxicity Factor Datasets 14 d Laboratory

Western Toad (Anaxyrus boreas formerly Bufo boreas)

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Lab
CHLORPYRIFOS decrease @ 30 and 60 ppb temperature tolerance, estimated by heating water at 1C/3min and using onset of spasms in frogs as the endpoint Not Reported Juvenile 10 animals/replicate; 2 replicates/dose Toxicity Factor Datasets Laboratory


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment