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Mammals, Bats (Chiroptera), Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus)

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
CHLORDANE 781 ng/g ww Fat concentration M Adult 15 Ulster and Albany Counties Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
CHLORDANE 1790 ng/g ww Fat concentration F Adult 13 Ulster and Albany Counties Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
CHLORDANE 330 ng/g ww Fat concentration M Adult 5 Cold Spring Cave Toxicity Factor Datasets USA
CHLORDANE 532 ng/g ww Fat concentration F Adult 6 Cold Spring Cave Toxicity Factor Datasets USA

Birds, Terrestrial birds, Passeriformes, American Robin (Turdus migratorius)

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sample Size Location Type
CHLORDANE Kettle Creek (1993): 2.3; VBNWA (1993): 3.9; ANWA LH (1997): 3.8; UBC (1997): 9.6; EC Park (1997): 4.8; ANWA (1998): 1.1; TY Park (1998): 0.5; UBC (1998): 15.6; ST Park (1998): 1.1 ug/kg Egg concentration Kettle Creek (1993): 4; VBNWA (1993): 2; ANWA LH (1997): 6; UBC (1997): 9; EC Park (1997): 1; ANWA (1998): 1; TY Park (1998): 2; UBC (1998): 5; ST Park (1998): 2 Okanagan Valley Toxicity Factor Datasets
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
CHLORDANE Penticton (1993): 13.3; Kelowna (1994): 17.3; Penticton (1994): 6.5; Penticton (1995): 10.5, Naramata (1997):1.6; Penticton (1997): 0.8; Naramata (1998): 1.6 ug/kg Egg concentration B Embryo Penticton (1993): 23; Kelowna (1994): 1; Penticton (1994): 2; Penticton (1995): 13, Naramata (1997): 19; Penticton (1997): 12; Naramata (1998): 22 Okanagan Valley Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
Iwaniuk, A.N., Koperski, D.T., Cheng, K.M., Elliott, J.E., Smith, L.K., Wilson, L.K. and Wylie, D.R.
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
CHLORDANE <0.01 ug/g ww Egg concentration B Embryo 18 Okanagan Valley Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
CHLORDANE <0.01 ug/g ww Egg concentration B Embryo 18 Okanagan Valley Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA

Fish, Estuarine and saltwater fish (Gobiiformes), Longjaw mudsucker (Gillichthys mirabilis)

McGourty, C.R., Hobbs, J.A., Bennett, W.A., Green, P.G., Hwang, H.M., Ikemiyagi, N., Lewis, L. and Cope, J.M.
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries
CHLORDANE <2 ppb Tissue concentration NR Not Reported NR Stege Marsh Toxicity Factor Datasets Contra Costa USA
Forrester, G.E., Fredericks, B.I., Gerdeman, D., Evans, B., Steele, M.A., Zayed, K., Schweitzer, L.E., Suffet, I.H., Vance, R.R. and Ambrose, R.F.
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sample Size Location Type
CHLORDANE Transplanted to Alamitos from Alamitos: 46; Ballona: <DL; Mugu: 3 ng/g Tissue concentration NR Three southern CA estuaries Toxicity Factor Datasets
CHLORDANE Transplanted to Ballona from Alamitos: <DL; Ballona: 64; Mugu: <DL ng/g Tissue concentration NR Three southern CA estuaries Toxicity Factor Datasets
CHLORDANE Transplanted to Mugu from Alamitos: <DL; Ballona: 58; Mugu: <DL ng/g Tissue concentration NR Three southern CA estuaries Toxicity Factor Datasets
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type California Counties Countries
CHLORDANE B: 16.3, D: 14.7, G: 10.7, O: 24.2, Q: 11.6, R: 17.1 Tissue concentration NR Not Reported NR Stege Marsh Toxicity Factor Datasets Contra Costa USA

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries Lab
CHLORDANE α: not detected, γ: 0.230227 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile α: 19, γ: 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
CHLORDANE Review Fat concentration NR 7 Baja California Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
CHLORDANE Alaska: 120, California: 150 ng/g lw Blood concentration B Pup Alaska: 3, California: 5 Alaksa: 3 sites in eastern AK, California: 3 sites between Santa Cruz and Monterey Toxicity Factor Datasets
CHLORDANE 48 ng/g lw Blubber concentration F Adult 11 Gulf of California Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
CHLORDANE 34 ng/g lw Blubber concentration B Pup 11 Gulf of California Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
CHLORDANE See citation Egg concentration NR Embryo Varied by site Multiple sites in Straight of Georgia Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
CHLORDANE 55 ng/g lw Blubber concentration M Adult 11 Gulf of California Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO Laboratory
CHLORDANE 24 ng/g lw Blubber concentration F Adult 11 Gulf of California Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
CHLORDANE 62 ng/g lw Blubber concentration B Pup 11 Gulf of California Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
CHLORDANE Alaska: 195, California: 345 ng/g lw Blood concentration B Juvenile Alaska: 14, California: 6 Alaksa: 3 sites in eastern AK, California: 3 sites between Santa Cruz and Monterey Toxicity Factor Datasets
CHLORDANE Alaska: 61, California: 180 ng/g lw Blood concentration F Adult Alaska: 38, California: 18 Alaksa: 3 sites in eastern AK, California: 3 sites between Santa Cruz and Monterey Toxicity Factor Datasets
CHLORDANE Alaska: 135, California: 170 ng/g lw Blood concentration M Adult Alaska: 16, California: 11 Alaksa: 3 sites in eastern AK, California: 3 sites between Santa Cruz and Monterey Toxicity Factor Datasets
CHLORDANE 0.554 ng/g ww Fat concentration NR 6 Pelagic Pacific Toxicity Factor Datasets
CHLORDANE α: not detected, γ: 0.313725 ng/mL Plasma concentration B Juvenile α: 12, γ: 13 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
CHLORDANE 43.2 ng/g ww (22.8-148) Egg concentration 18 Crab Bank Toxicity Factor Datasets USA Laboratory
CHLORDANE 35.8 ng/g ww (11.0-118) Egg concentration 10 Marsh Island Toxicity Factor Datasets USA Laboratory
CHLORDANE 13.6 ng/g ww (6.20-25.1) Egg concentration 33 Marsh Island Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO Laboratory
CHLORDANE 1.37 ng/g ww Plasma concentration, geometric mean NR Nestling 39 nests Great Lake Basin Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
CHLORDANE γ-chlordane: 0.03 µg/g lw Blubber concentration B Not Reported 18 Todos Santos Bay, Ensenada, Baja California Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
CHLORDANE α-chlordane: 0.03 µg/g lw Blubber concentration B Not Reported 18 Todos Santos Bay, Ensenada, Baja California Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
CHLORDANE 32 ng/g ww Blubber concentration M Adult 11 Gulf of California Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO Laboratory

Pacific Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas)

Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
CHLORDANE 0.554 ng/g ww Fat concentration Not Reported 6 Pelagic Pacific Toxicity Factor Datasets
CHLORDANE Review Fat concentration Not Reported 7 Baja California Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
CHLORDANE ?: not detected, ?: 0.230227 ng/mL Plasma concentration Both Male and Female Juvenile ?: 19, ?: 39 Punta Abreojos Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO
CHLORDANE ?: not detected, ?: 0.313725 ng/mL Plasma concentration Both Male and Female Juvenile ?: 12, ?: 13 Bahía Magdalena Toxicity Factor Datasets MEXICO

Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus formerly Rana catesbeiana)

Mulla, M.S.
Chemical Endpoint Value Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
CHLORDANE no effect Not Reported Tadpole 10 animals/dose ponds, southern San Joaquin Valley Toxicity Factor Datasets
CHLORDANE increase at 0.5 lb/acre Not Reported Tadpole 10 animals/dose ponds, southern San Joaquin Valley Toxicity Factor Datasets

California Newt (Taricha torosa)

Albright, L.J., P.C. Oloffs and S.Y Szeto
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type Countries
CHLORDANE 8,906 ppb, range; 4,954 - 15, 609 ppb mean and range of total technical chlordane residues in newt carcasses (without liver and stomach) 14 days after application Both Male and Female Both Adults and Juveniles 4 Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
CHLORDANE 2,116 ppb, range; 1,354 - 3,783 ppb mean and range of total technical chlordane residues in newt carcasses (without liver and stomach) 451 days after application Both Male and Female Both Adults and Juveniles 6 Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA
CHLORDANE 176 ppb, range; 29 - 272 ppb mean and range of total technical chlordane residues in newt carcasses (without liver and stomach) 1036 days after application Both Male and Female Both Adults and Juveniles 8 Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA

California Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris ssp. obsoletus)

Lonzarich, David G., Thomas E. Harvey and Jean E. Takekawa
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Sample Size Location Type
CHLORDANE, DDD (4,4'-), DDE (4,4'-), DDT (4,4'-), DIELDRIN, HEPTACHLOR, MERCURY (elemental), POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS, SELENIUM (elemental) no effect eggshell thickness compared to those of museum eggs from 1907 and 1936 Female Adult 29 eggs North and South San Francisco Bay Toxicity Factor Datasets

Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)

Blus, Lawrence J.
Chemical Endpoint Value Endpoint Description Sex Life Cycle Stage Location Type Countries
ALDRIN, BRODIFACOUM, CARBOFURAN, CHLORDANE, DIELDRIN, ENDRIN, FAMPHUR, FENTHION, PHORATE, STRYCHNINE review summaries of mortality due to organochlorine, anticholinesterase, anticoagulant, strychnine pesticides Not Reported Not Reported Toxicity Factor Datasets CANADA, USA


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OEHHA California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment