American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type | Lab |
AROCLOR 1248 | 18.5 ug/g (5.1SD), PCBs; 0.10 ug/g (0.03 SD), dieldrin;1.02 ug/g (0.39 SD), DDE @ 3.0 ug/g | mean carcass concentrations, wet wt | Both Male and Female | Adult | 8 pairs/group | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Laboratory | |
AROCLOR 1248 | 5% decrease @ 3.0 ug/g | mean eggshell thickness | Female | Adult | 8 pairs/group | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Laboratory | |
AROCLOR 1248 | 5.60 ug/g (1.15 SD), PCBs; 0.15 ug/g (0.05 SD), dieldrin; 0.15 ug/g (0.07 SD), DDE @ 3.0 ug/g | mean egg concentrations, wet wt | Female | Adult | 8 pairs/group | Toxicity Factor Datasets | Laboratory |
Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)
Chemical | Endpoint Value | Endpoint Description | Sex | Life Cycle Stage | Sample Size | Location | Type |
AROCLOR 1248, AROCLOR 1254, AROCLOR 1260, DDE (4,4'-), DDT (4,4'-), MERCURY COMPOUNDS | no effect | eggshell thickness compared to pre-1947 reference eggs | Female | Adult | 9 eggs | urban nest sites | Toxicity Factor Datasets |